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Pendulums are divination tools that can help direct your insight in a powerful way when you are in search of direct answers, like yes or no. They can be used alongside tarot cards and oracle cards to help your guides assist you in making choices, but are perfect to use just by themselves. 


This crystal gets it light pinky hue from lithium. Kunzite is extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration. Working with the heart chakra, Kunzite helps produce loving thoughts and radiates peace. It helps increase unconditional love and universal love. It is beneficial for those who have a hard time focusing during meditation. Kunzite is also a protection stone, as it works with your environment and shields your aura from unwanted energy. It encourages self expression and can reduce stress. Keep this mantra in mind while using or wearing your crystal: 

“The universe surrounds me with love.”

Kunzite Pendulum

$25.00 Regular Price
$20.00Sale Price

    Each pendulum is one of a kind. This pendulum here is 10.5 inches in length from the end of the crystal point to the charm.

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